My little love aka- " the fish" is growing so quickly!! Now, let me go back and fill you all in on why we call him fish. My friend Katy and I have this bizarre way of creating nick-names for our kids without meaning to! It's actually quite hysterical. We start with a long, sort of phrase about the child that ends up being shortened into some random word or name.
Evan and I started affectionately;) calling Énsley "Énsley Fisher Bass" when he was born and it's now been shortened to "fish". Somewhere along the way he became known as our little fish.
Liam and Nate are affectionately known as bean and nate-dog as well. Not sure how they got that way, but over time they've grown accustomed to answering to them;).
So back to the fish....he is absolutely a joy, so full of life! He has the most amazing personality and is very fond of his older brothers. At this point, he's a bit more like me as a baby than Evan. Liam, out of the three is the most like Evan was (so I hear). He was a busy little bee when he was learning to walk. Always into something, always making a fuss about things, breaking things, and was seriously impossible to take to a restaurant until he turned 2.
Fish on the other hand is quite easy and laid back like his momma;). Well, like his momma was as a baby! Ha! Things have changed a bit for me;).
He's 2 months away from turning 1, I just can't believe it! This year has been the fastest year of my life. I had the hardest pregnancy, nausea for the entire 9 months, time seemed to drag slower than molasses. Since he was born last May, time has flown by!
RIght now little fish is standing on his own but not quite walking yet. He definitely takes a step or two before plopping down on his bottom. He's close! It seems each of our boys have walked faster than the one before. I think they have inspiration to get up on their feet so that they can play with the big kids!;) That always helps!
His first word was "momma" but has now added, "yea" and "Dada". Don't laugh at "yea", it's true! He hears us saying it all day and he'll randomly interject a "yea" in the middle of our conversations, so adorable! If we make a big deal about it he'll just keep saying yea over and over to get a good laugh out of us;).
We love our little fish and are so excited to celebrate him turning 1! I'll definitely post some pics soon!