Liam is playing soccer this year- we are sooo exicted!! However, I may have jumped the gun by putting him on the 4-5 team when he's still only 3. (yikes!) I thought "my kid is REALLY good at soccer" as I'm sure every other mom out there thinks about their own pride and joy;). In my book, Liam can do no wrong, he's a genius, and he's a master of ANY sport. And while my intentions are pure;), I often realize after the fact that I may have over estimated things just a bit.
SO- my sweet little Liam is playing on a team of GIANTS! :) He looks so little compared to the rest of the players, even though he'll be 4 in only 2 months.
I don't know how it happened but in the midst of signing him up for soccer I forgot to mention to Evan that I had put him on the 4-5's we get to practice the first day, Evan beat me there in his car...he quickly (out of excitement) trotted Liam over to the field. I remembered what I had done and quickly jumped out of my car yelling "Evan, wait!!". Too late. By that time he was turning back to me with this look like "why are they all a head taller than Liam?"
So...there we are...watching the bean play his little heart out- not even realizing he's the shortest one on the team:). (deep sigh)
I felt awful.
We decided we'll let him play his first game and see how he does...he loves practice so, what the heck? I mean how horrible can it be at that age? You know? (trying to make myself feel better here)
Here he is at practice, he's such a great little player! You would all be so proud!:)