Sex,Diapers,& Rock-N-Roll
Monday, April 4, 2011
Balance Bike Mania!
We recently bought a Strider Balance Bike for our 2 year old. We were introduced to these bikes by some friends of ours who bought one for their 2 year old. We were amazed at how this little guy could ride a 2 wheel bike with NO training wheels! I knew that I had to have one for our 2 year after saving up (they cost an arm and a leg) we bought him one for his birthday. I can't tell you how impressed with these bikes I am!! Our 2 year old has learned how to coast with no feet on the ground in only 1 week! One of the best parts about him riding a balance bike is that he can keep up with his older siblings. So often when on a walk, he gets left in the dust on a tricycle and cries his little heart out!:) Not anymore!! Today we went to the park and I couldn't keep up with HIM!! It was amazing! I just love these little bikes and recommend them to anyone who has a child who hasn't learned to ride a 2 wheeled bike yet. LOVE them!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Do you feel debilitated by them? I absolutely understand your pain! I suffered from allergies such as hay, grass, dust, horses etc. This doesn't work well for me since I have horses and spend most of my time out on the farm. In the spring of 2009 I went to the ER twice from onset asthma attacks. I don't have asthma, and supposedly you're born with it, you can't develop it later in life. The doctors were dumbfounded. One doctor even suspected a heart condition, but nope- just allergies. I told my Chiropractor, Dr Skye about what was happening and he suggested that I undergo allergy desensitizing using laser therapy.At that point I was so desperate I was willing to do ANYTHING. I couldn't afford allergy shots, and honestly I didn't want them even if I could afford them. There are some bad chemicals in those shots that I don't want to put into my body on a regular basis.
After doing the desensitizing which literally took 10 minutes, I was like "ok, so when should I come back in for another treatment?" He said "never". I have to admit that I was skeptical. I've suffered with extreme allergies for SO long, how could one treatment be the "cure"?? I remember going out to the farm a couple days later and being nervous because for the first time in years I didn't take an allergy med first. I waited for the first sneeze...didn't come. I waited for a headache, didn't come. I started to get excited:). I went home and took a shower and felt great. I continued that way for the entire year of 2010, never once taking a medication for allergies.
Today, March 12th 2011, I went out to the farm to brush off all of the winter coat off of my horse. It took about an hour. Hair was flying EVERYWHERE, he was SO bushy! Not even a sneeze! I can't believe the amazing power of desensitizing! It's incredible and has changed my life!
In 2009 Evan and I talked seriously about moving somewhere that I could live an outdoorsy lifestyle and not suffer from my allergies as badly. We considered moving to a few different states and picked them just because of the low allergy scale. I was desperate.
Dr Skye has helped improve my quality of life, along with many others. If you suffer from allergies I highly recommend this treatment (which is ridiculously cheap too). Chiropractic care is amazing, our entire family is hooked!:)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Whats in that diet drink?
My main goal in being a nutrition coach is to build awareness. Judging someone for their choices is never my desire or goal. The most beautiful thing about being human, a child of God, and an American;) is our freedom of choice. Life is full of many choices as we all know, the big ones like who will I marry, what job will I take, where will I live or go to school...those are daunting enough, making the little decisions like what foods to eat are often times shoved to the back of the shelf for obvious reasons. We are so busy with everyday tasks we often don't take time to research the little things.
Today I want to talk about diet drinks. (yikes!) It's summer time and what does that mean?? Bathing suit season!:) Yay! Right?! I know so many people who will grab a diet soda over a regular because they think it's "better for them" or "has fewer calories and fat" etc. The truth is, a diet drink is WAY worse for us than regular drinks in the long run. I want to break down the ingredients in a diet drink today and try to build awareness as to what we're putting in our bodies when we consume a diet beverage. Are you ready for this? You might want to sit down;).
Here are the ingredients on a can of diet coke=
Carbonated Water
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Caramel Color
Phosphoric Acid
Natural Flavors
Aspartame (NutraSweet)
Potassium Benzoate
Citric acid
Lets talk about phosphoric acid. Here's what it does in the body=
1. The carbonation irritates the stomach.
2. The stomach "cures" the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.
3. The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.
This means that over time, drinking a beverage with phosphoric acid can drain your body of the calcium that it needs, causing osteoporosis. If you don't believe it, just try it and let me know;).
I kind of feel like I don't even need to talk about caffeine, I think we all know about it's harmful affects on the body. BUT, for shits and giggles, lets talk about it!
Caffeine overstimulates the adrenals and then weakens them with persistent or chronic use. First, sugar stimulates and weakens the adrenals, which creates fatigue. Then we use caffeine to keep us aware and awake, further depleting our adrenals, to which many respond by drinking more caffeine with sugar. In addition, people who overuse caffeine tend to need more tranquilizers and sleeping pills to help them relax or sleep. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to who drink caffeine on a regular basis and have chronic migraines. They go hand in hand. I'm not going to go into caffeine anymore, I think we get the point.
Ah, now to Aspertame, my favorite!!! I love building awareness about aspertame, I feel like if even one person stops drinking soda's with this ingredient, I will have made a difference. This stuff is straight from the pit of hell (I'm pretty sure;), and it just pisses me off that it's legal.
Aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances ever added to food. Not only has aspartame been proven to make you fatter, it's been proven to cause some pretty serious diseases, not the least of which are cancer and neurological diseases.
This is part of a great article on the effects of aspertame, I can't say it better myself=
"Methanol, from aspartame, is released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin (Stegink 1984, page 143). Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at temperatures above 86 degrees F.. also within the human body.
The methanol is then converted to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde converts to formic acid, ant sting poison. Toxic formic acid is used as an activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings. Imagine what it does to your tissues!
Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids normally used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But when unaccompanied by other amino acids we use [there are 20], they are neurotoxic.(WHAT?! NO THANKS!)
That is why a warning for Phenylketonurics is found on EQUAL and other aspartame products. Phenylketenurics are 2% of the population with extreme sensitivity to this chemical unless it's present in food. It gets you too, causing brain disorders and birth defects! Finally, the phenyalanine breaks down into DKP, a brain tumor agent.
In other words: Aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach accelerates these conversions and amplifies the damage. Components of aspartame go straight to the brain, damage that causes headaches, mental confusion, seizures and faulty balance. Lab rats and other test animals died of brain tumors.
*Formaldehyde obtained from methanol is very toxic in *very small* doses as seen by recent research.
Aspartame causes chronic toxicity reactions/damage due to the methanol to formaldehyde and other break down products despite what is claimed otherwise by the very short, industry-funded experiments using a test substance that is chemically different and absorbed differently than what is available to the general public. "Strangely enough", almost all independent studies show that aspartame can cause health problems."
-Mark Gold (health researcher for over 20 years)
Honestly, after researching the effects of aspertame I don't even think that talking about the other ingredients is necessary. Aspertame alone is enough to make me want to scream from the roof tops that diet is NOT "diet"!!
I know that we all make choices that aren't always the best things for our bodies but as long as we are aware of the side effects, aware of the health hazards, aware of the disease potential- maybe we can avoid these products on more of a regular basis.
As far as I'm concerned, diet beverages that contain aspertame should be avoided like the plague!!
I'll leave you with a last interesting fact-
Aspartame was not approved until 1981, in dry foods. For over eight years the FDA refused to approve it because of the seizures and brain tumors this drug produced in lab animals. The FDA continued to refuse to approve it until President Reagan took office (a friend of Searle) and fired the FDA Commissioner who wouldn't approve it. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed as commissioner. Even then there was so much opposition to approval that a Board of Inquiry was set up. The Board said: "Do not approve aspartame". Dr. Hayes OVERRULED his own Board of Inquiry.
The FDA refused to approve aspertame for over 8 years? I'll take that little hint and avoid it.
Today I want to talk about diet drinks. (yikes!) It's summer time and what does that mean?? Bathing suit season!:) Yay! Right?! I know so many people who will grab a diet soda over a regular because they think it's "better for them" or "has fewer calories and fat" etc. The truth is, a diet drink is WAY worse for us than regular drinks in the long run. I want to break down the ingredients in a diet drink today and try to build awareness as to what we're putting in our bodies when we consume a diet beverage. Are you ready for this? You might want to sit down;).
Here are the ingredients on a can of diet coke=
Carbonated Water
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Caramel Color
Phosphoric Acid
Natural Flavors
Aspartame (NutraSweet)
Potassium Benzoate
Citric acid
Lets talk about phosphoric acid. Here's what it does in the body=
1. The carbonation irritates the stomach.
2. The stomach "cures" the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.
3. The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.
This means that over time, drinking a beverage with phosphoric acid can drain your body of the calcium that it needs, causing osteoporosis. If you don't believe it, just try it and let me know;).
I kind of feel like I don't even need to talk about caffeine, I think we all know about it's harmful affects on the body. BUT, for shits and giggles, lets talk about it!
Caffeine overstimulates the adrenals and then weakens them with persistent or chronic use. First, sugar stimulates and weakens the adrenals, which creates fatigue. Then we use caffeine to keep us aware and awake, further depleting our adrenals, to which many respond by drinking more caffeine with sugar. In addition, people who overuse caffeine tend to need more tranquilizers and sleeping pills to help them relax or sleep. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to who drink caffeine on a regular basis and have chronic migraines. They go hand in hand. I'm not going to go into caffeine anymore, I think we get the point.
Ah, now to Aspertame, my favorite!!! I love building awareness about aspertame, I feel like if even one person stops drinking soda's with this ingredient, I will have made a difference. This stuff is straight from the pit of hell (I'm pretty sure;), and it just pisses me off that it's legal.
Aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances ever added to food. Not only has aspartame been proven to make you fatter, it's been proven to cause some pretty serious diseases, not the least of which are cancer and neurological diseases.
This is part of a great article on the effects of aspertame, I can't say it better myself=
"Methanol, from aspartame, is released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin (Stegink 1984, page 143). Free methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at temperatures above 86 degrees F.. also within the human body.
The methanol is then converted to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde converts to formic acid, ant sting poison. Toxic formic acid is used as an activator to strip epoxy and urethane coatings. Imagine what it does to your tissues!
Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90% of aspartame, are amino acids normally used in synthesis of protoplasm when supplied by the foods we eat. But when unaccompanied by other amino acids we use [there are 20], they are neurotoxic.(WHAT?! NO THANKS!)
That is why a warning for Phenylketonurics is found on EQUAL and other aspartame products. Phenylketenurics are 2% of the population with extreme sensitivity to this chemical unless it's present in food. It gets you too, causing brain disorders and birth defects! Finally, the phenyalanine breaks down into DKP, a brain tumor agent.
In other words: Aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts that have no natural countermeasures. A dieter's empty stomach accelerates these conversions and amplifies the damage. Components of aspartame go straight to the brain, damage that causes headaches, mental confusion, seizures and faulty balance. Lab rats and other test animals died of brain tumors.
*Formaldehyde obtained from methanol is very toxic in *very small* doses as seen by recent research.
Aspartame causes chronic toxicity reactions/damage due to the methanol to formaldehyde and other break down products despite what is claimed otherwise by the very short, industry-funded experiments using a test substance that is chemically different and absorbed differently than what is available to the general public. "Strangely enough", almost all independent studies show that aspartame can cause health problems."
-Mark Gold (health researcher for over 20 years)
Honestly, after researching the effects of aspertame I don't even think that talking about the other ingredients is necessary. Aspertame alone is enough to make me want to scream from the roof tops that diet is NOT "diet"!!
I know that we all make choices that aren't always the best things for our bodies but as long as we are aware of the side effects, aware of the health hazards, aware of the disease potential- maybe we can avoid these products on more of a regular basis.
As far as I'm concerned, diet beverages that contain aspertame should be avoided like the plague!!
I'll leave you with a last interesting fact-
Aspartame was not approved until 1981, in dry foods. For over eight years the FDA refused to approve it because of the seizures and brain tumors this drug produced in lab animals. The FDA continued to refuse to approve it until President Reagan took office (a friend of Searle) and fired the FDA Commissioner who wouldn't approve it. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed as commissioner. Even then there was so much opposition to approval that a Board of Inquiry was set up. The Board said: "Do not approve aspartame". Dr. Hayes OVERRULED his own Board of Inquiry.
The FDA refused to approve aspertame for over 8 years? I'll take that little hint and avoid it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
standing still
It seems like I'm in an ever changing season. Like I can't get a grip on the ground around me. Everything is always spinning, always changing, hopefully always in a "positive forward" kind of way..but nonetheless.
Recently Evan and I decided that we need to have a "home base" of sorts. We asked his boss initially if that base could be in Nevada. He said for the time being he wants us closer to the east coast, where the majority of MP Clinics are. Evan needs to be accessible and Nevada can really rack up the flight costs. SO- on a recent stop through Nashville we decided (after much prayer and thought) that we would make a home base here for a number of reasons. The first most important reason is that I had so much peace here on our stop through. To be honest, I haven't had peace like that in a city for well, as long as I can remember. I've never felt at "home" here in TN, as everyone already knows;)- I think I've worn that one out.
The second reason was because our friends are here and we miss the commradarie BIG TIME. We miss our loved ones. We need a community right now more than ever (most of you know what I'm talking about).
SO- here we are in Franklin once again- but this time it's joyful!:) We are so happy in our adorable condo that we've rented. It's just fabulous! Evan is still traveling like crazy- and hopefully we'll be able to make some trips with him, but for the time being me and the boys are standing still. It feels good to sort of "stop" and take a deep breath.
There has been some family issues that we've been dealing with over the past year, as a lot of you know. I've been hesitant to blog about it even though writing it out does help quite a huge deal. Right now I just want to say (without getting into detail) that things are still incredibly rough and we would really appreciate prayers. It's been a hard season, not only for me and Evan but also for the boys. They have had to deal with more than they should have. It's quite unfortunate. Evan and I have tried to protect them as much as we can, and I think they're doing well considering. By the way- for those of you who aren't sure what I'm referring to, my parents, brother, and his wife have been dealing with issues that stem from our dysfunctional (at best) life together. This past year has brought about issues that need to be dealt with in order for us to continue on in any sort of healthy relationship. (which is the ultimate goal) Unfortunately it's affected not only us as adults, but also my children. I really hope that our "home base" here in Franklin will provide opportunities to continue on our healing path towards restoration.
When I was talking with God about staying here in Franklin, He spoke to me in His gentle perfect way about our future. Holy Spirit and I are working towards communication- learning how to hear Him and not be afraid. He's teaching me about fear- He's showing me His unconditional love. He's showing me the area's that need to still be healed in my spirit. It's been so difficult going through every next layer of who I am and trying to receive wholeness. It sounds odd to "try to receive wholeness", I mean, why can't a person just take it?! It's almost as if I don't trust wholeness because who would I be? Would I like that person? Would I even recognize myself? I'm learning to trust that who I'm destined to be is who I WANT to be. Thats a hard thing for me to grasp- as person who always wants to be in control. It's hard for me to let go of my protectors- who would I be without them?
As I step into (or dive into) this next healing season, I'm excited to watch God do His thing. I'm excited to trust Him.
Right now I'm reading the Twilight books and I'm enamored by Edwards love for Bella. I can't stop reading the books because I'm addicted to his addiction to her. I want to see what else he's going to do for her- or say to her- or give to her. I can't stop watching them together (so to speak). It's absolutely mind blowing that Jesus loves me more passionately than Edward loves Bella, that He wants to give me more than Edward wants to give to Bella. I'm honestly getting a revelation through their relationship and it's so huge it's going to take time to truly set in. I think that Jesus is cooler than a vampire;) and that He's going to blow my mind with His power. I can't freaking wait!
As an ending note- I want to stress how grateful I am for prayers and support. My friends have been incredible through this season, I could never thank you enough! This year will make a great chapter in my future book;).
Recently Evan and I decided that we need to have a "home base" of sorts. We asked his boss initially if that base could be in Nevada. He said for the time being he wants us closer to the east coast, where the majority of MP Clinics are. Evan needs to be accessible and Nevada can really rack up the flight costs. SO- on a recent stop through Nashville we decided (after much prayer and thought) that we would make a home base here for a number of reasons. The first most important reason is that I had so much peace here on our stop through. To be honest, I haven't had peace like that in a city for well, as long as I can remember. I've never felt at "home" here in TN, as everyone already knows;)- I think I've worn that one out.
The second reason was because our friends are here and we miss the commradarie BIG TIME. We miss our loved ones. We need a community right now more than ever (most of you know what I'm talking about).
SO- here we are in Franklin once again- but this time it's joyful!:) We are so happy in our adorable condo that we've rented. It's just fabulous! Evan is still traveling like crazy- and hopefully we'll be able to make some trips with him, but for the time being me and the boys are standing still. It feels good to sort of "stop" and take a deep breath.
There has been some family issues that we've been dealing with over the past year, as a lot of you know. I've been hesitant to blog about it even though writing it out does help quite a huge deal. Right now I just want to say (without getting into detail) that things are still incredibly rough and we would really appreciate prayers. It's been a hard season, not only for me and Evan but also for the boys. They have had to deal with more than they should have. It's quite unfortunate. Evan and I have tried to protect them as much as we can, and I think they're doing well considering. By the way- for those of you who aren't sure what I'm referring to, my parents, brother, and his wife have been dealing with issues that stem from our dysfunctional (at best) life together. This past year has brought about issues that need to be dealt with in order for us to continue on in any sort of healthy relationship. (which is the ultimate goal) Unfortunately it's affected not only us as adults, but also my children. I really hope that our "home base" here in Franklin will provide opportunities to continue on our healing path towards restoration.
When I was talking with God about staying here in Franklin, He spoke to me in His gentle perfect way about our future. Holy Spirit and I are working towards communication- learning how to hear Him and not be afraid. He's teaching me about fear- He's showing me His unconditional love. He's showing me the area's that need to still be healed in my spirit. It's been so difficult going through every next layer of who I am and trying to receive wholeness. It sounds odd to "try to receive wholeness", I mean, why can't a person just take it?! It's almost as if I don't trust wholeness because who would I be? Would I like that person? Would I even recognize myself? I'm learning to trust that who I'm destined to be is who I WANT to be. Thats a hard thing for me to grasp- as person who always wants to be in control. It's hard for me to let go of my protectors- who would I be without them?
As I step into (or dive into) this next healing season, I'm excited to watch God do His thing. I'm excited to trust Him.
Right now I'm reading the Twilight books and I'm enamored by Edwards love for Bella. I can't stop reading the books because I'm addicted to his addiction to her. I want to see what else he's going to do for her- or say to her- or give to her. I can't stop watching them together (so to speak). It's absolutely mind blowing that Jesus loves me more passionately than Edward loves Bella, that He wants to give me more than Edward wants to give to Bella. I'm honestly getting a revelation through their relationship and it's so huge it's going to take time to truly set in. I think that Jesus is cooler than a vampire;) and that He's going to blow my mind with His power. I can't freaking wait!
As an ending note- I want to stress how grateful I am for prayers and support. My friends have been incredible through this season, I could never thank you enough! This year will make a great chapter in my future book;).
Friday, November 6, 2009
Anti-aging? Yes please!
My dear friend Jenni introduced me to a product called Vivix. This stuff is so incredible I knew I would have to share! I'm a sucker for antioxidants and it seems this tonic is just that- times a million!:) A 30 day supply of Vivix delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of red wine! This stuff is potent!
Not only does this super tonic slow the aging process on a cellular level, it also has been proven to reverse auto-immune diseases! This is something I'm particularly interested in because I myself have Hashimoto's auto-immune. I was diagnosed with the disease after my second son was born. I began to feel extreme fatigue and depression, my hair started falling out and my skin was incredibly dry. When my blood work came back, sure enough, my immune system was attacking my thyroid gland, wrecking havoc on my body and hormones. No fun. My auto-immune disease was supposedly triggered by pregnancy, it's not something that I was born with. This leads me to believe that it's reversible.
I've done a ton of research on reversing auto-immune disorders. One thing that has to happen is a sort of "calming" of my immune system.
Recently I read a book called Eat Right For Your Type, it opened my eyes to a theory that is changing my life. I had no idea (even after going to school for nutrition) that a specific blood type has a specific nutritional "guideline". My particular blood type is predispositioned to auto-immune disorders because of my hypersensitive immune system.
Part of the "calming" process is to adhere to a strict blood type diet. Within the first two weeks of eating according to my blood type, I stopped having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I obviously had inflammation in my bladder from the foods I was eating that went against my blood type. When the inflammation went down, the constant peeing stopped:). (TMI?)
Another thing that changed was my tummy aches. If you know me well, you know I have chronic stomach aches- have since I was a teenager. When I adhere to the diet, the aches calm down incredibly- if not go away all together.
Since I've been traveling over the past two months, I haven't been able to adhere to the diet like I should, but I do plan on picking it up when we settle somewhere and I can cook for myself more often.
Part of my process will be adding Vivix into my diet daily. I'm anxious to see if my body responds and my immune system stops trying to kill my thyroid;).
I will update regularly as I start this journey with vivix...always starting a journey:).
Not only does this super tonic slow the aging process on a cellular level, it also has been proven to reverse auto-immune diseases! This is something I'm particularly interested in because I myself have Hashimoto's auto-immune. I was diagnosed with the disease after my second son was born. I began to feel extreme fatigue and depression, my hair started falling out and my skin was incredibly dry. When my blood work came back, sure enough, my immune system was attacking my thyroid gland, wrecking havoc on my body and hormones. No fun. My auto-immune disease was supposedly triggered by pregnancy, it's not something that I was born with. This leads me to believe that it's reversible.
I've done a ton of research on reversing auto-immune disorders. One thing that has to happen is a sort of "calming" of my immune system.
Recently I read a book called Eat Right For Your Type, it opened my eyes to a theory that is changing my life. I had no idea (even after going to school for nutrition) that a specific blood type has a specific nutritional "guideline". My particular blood type is predispositioned to auto-immune disorders because of my hypersensitive immune system.
Part of the "calming" process is to adhere to a strict blood type diet. Within the first two weeks of eating according to my blood type, I stopped having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I obviously had inflammation in my bladder from the foods I was eating that went against my blood type. When the inflammation went down, the constant peeing stopped:). (TMI?)
Another thing that changed was my tummy aches. If you know me well, you know I have chronic stomach aches- have since I was a teenager. When I adhere to the diet, the aches calm down incredibly- if not go away all together.
Since I've been traveling over the past two months, I haven't been able to adhere to the diet like I should, but I do plan on picking it up when we settle somewhere and I can cook for myself more often.
Part of my process will be adding Vivix into my diet daily. I'm anxious to see if my body responds and my immune system stops trying to kill my thyroid;).
I will update regularly as I start this journey with vivix...always starting a journey:).
Friday, October 30, 2009
Today is Friday, the week winds down here in Baton Rouge. It's been interesting being here, definitely a pleasant experience. We've loved the warmer weather, and the sunshine has been fabulous!
Some things that I find challenging are figuring out how to entertain the boys, and feeling like I'm doing enough for them. I feel bad when I realize that we've spent half the day inside a hotel room, but I don't know where to go because I don't know the town well enough. I also feel bad for the boys not having other kids to play with. I know they miss having little buddies. I beat myself up about this kind of stuff, and it leads me to think that we need to settle down somewhere and give up on this journey. I'm caught between my decision to make this work, and wanting my boys to have a "normal" life. It's rough. I know the boys are having fun, and that they do love to travel- but is it the right thing? How long can we make it work? Do I continue on for the sake of the adventure? All things to ponder..
I've also been really missing comradery myself. I need to be with some women! HAHA! Living with all these boys can make a girl go crazy!:) I miss my friends, I miss sushi dates and girls nights at Wild Ginger:). That has been wearing on me emotionally, it's been a struggle. I try to see the big picture, I try to look forward to the end result of this journey- but yes, it's hard.
I'm looking forward to being in Miami, and Honolulu, I know those towns so well. Hopefully it will feel a little more like home for a while. What is home anyway? Isn't it just where your heart is? If thats the case then I'm home anywhere if my boys are there. Why can't I be a little more content?
Evan just found out yesterday that we'll be in Nashville for the entire week next week. This is bittersweet because we do miss our friends like crazy! But at the same time, we finally got out of Nashville after 5 years and yet we can't seem to stay out! Haha! Geesh.
So here we go, headed up to Nashville for the week, then who knows after that. Maybe Miami, maybe Hawaii...or Boston..all part of this crazy adventure! To be continued...
Some things that I find challenging are figuring out how to entertain the boys, and feeling like I'm doing enough for them. I feel bad when I realize that we've spent half the day inside a hotel room, but I don't know where to go because I don't know the town well enough. I also feel bad for the boys not having other kids to play with. I know they miss having little buddies. I beat myself up about this kind of stuff, and it leads me to think that we need to settle down somewhere and give up on this journey. I'm caught between my decision to make this work, and wanting my boys to have a "normal" life. It's rough. I know the boys are having fun, and that they do love to travel- but is it the right thing? How long can we make it work? Do I continue on for the sake of the adventure? All things to ponder..
I've also been really missing comradery myself. I need to be with some women! HAHA! Living with all these boys can make a girl go crazy!:) I miss my friends, I miss sushi dates and girls nights at Wild Ginger:). That has been wearing on me emotionally, it's been a struggle. I try to see the big picture, I try to look forward to the end result of this journey- but yes, it's hard.
I'm looking forward to being in Miami, and Honolulu, I know those towns so well. Hopefully it will feel a little more like home for a while. What is home anyway? Isn't it just where your heart is? If thats the case then I'm home anywhere if my boys are there. Why can't I be a little more content?
Evan just found out yesterday that we'll be in Nashville for the entire week next week. This is bittersweet because we do miss our friends like crazy! But at the same time, we finally got out of Nashville after 5 years and yet we can't seem to stay out! Haha! Geesh.
So here we go, headed up to Nashville for the week, then who knows after that. Maybe Miami, maybe Hawaii...or Boston..all part of this crazy adventure! To be continued...
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