Monday, February 23, 2009

Bass World Update

Hello friends! I'm so grateful for those of you who follow this blog! Thank you! Our lives are crazy busy and it helps to have this to keep everyone in the loop:).
So, it seems we have some new things going on in the Bass fam. As you know, Evan has a new job here in Franklin that we're really excited about. There are some cool opportunities for him to be promoted which would mean a fabulous pay increase! Yay!! There's also a lot of sales involved in this job and that is something Evan hasn't done before. He's loving getting that experience. With this new development we've come to the decision to stay here in Franklin for a bit longer. We've been trying to move to Colorado for a year now, it's been an emotional journey to say the least. The market has been so awful, we haven't had a single bid on our house. We've trusted that God has a plan for our move. That He wants the best for us and has the best timing in mind. It's so hard to continue to wait sometimes. There are days when I just cry and cry out of frustration with this process. I haven't felt "at home" for quite some time, and as you women know, the home is such a huge deal for the wife! We love to make it our own, for it to reflect our unique personalities. It's frustrating when you can't do that because you know you'll be up and moving in no time.
We are still selling our house because we are really unhappy here. So this journey is not quite over at this point. The market is still so crappy, but we're hoping for a miracle. We've lowered the price a lot, hope that helps.
Thank you all for praying for us, we love and appreciate you!
We are excited about the future, even if it doesn't look like what we thought it would. We would LOVE to be in Colorado right now, that is our dream! But for some reason, it's just not working out. So we'll adjust and make the best of it. (sometimes not with a good attitude! ha!)
I'll keep everyone updated through this process, it's definitely a roller coaster, never knowing whats going to happen next.


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